Monday, July 28, 2014

Snowball Microphone for Skype

If you aren't sure what a Snowball Microphone is, just take a look at it, and you'll see where
Snowball Microphone
its name comes from.  This is an amazing tool when working with a large group of students doing a recording or a Skype/Face Time chat.

I'll be using this cool tool on Wednesday with a group of students as they do a Skype visit with Lauren Tarshis, the author of the very popular I Surivived . . . series of books.

What's so great about this tool?  It's a highly sensitive microphone that allows students to be able to record or talk via Skype without having to be really close to the computer's microphone.  Just plug this mic into your computer's USB port and students can still sit in their desk and be heard by the visitor!  This is HUGE!  No longer will students who have questions have to get out of their seats and come in close to the computer.  They can stay where they are and ask their question!  This saves time -- allowing more time for additional questions!  Yeah!

Do you want to use this cool tool with your class for a recording in iMovie, QuickTime, or for a chat via Skype, FaceTime, Google Talk, etc?  Just stop at your school library!  Both of my libraries have this cool tool available for check out, AND they are iPad compatible thanks to a couple of adapters I was also able to purchase!

Have you had good luck with the Snowball microphone?  Tell me how in the comments section!

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